Finding nemo fish tank setup
Finding nemo fish tank setup

finding nemo fish tank setup

This is where the Clown Loach comes into its own. We will discuss more on tank requirements a little later in this article. READ 10 Must-Have Algae Eaters for Cleaner Water and a Healthier Tank Sadly, for many, this isn’t the case and a lot of this fish’s needs are not met by many more inexperienced keepers. If you cater to the needs of your Clown Loaches, you could expect them to live for more than 10 years. This type of fish will provide a lot of interest and color to the bottom layers of your tank and give it some energy. They will keep a close eye on her perceived threat levels in a community and behave accordingly, acting skittish and hiding or taking her cue that things are well and time to play. The behavior of the alpha will also affect the rest of the shoal. Smaller fish will press against larger fish, often the alpha female, and mimic their movements. Clown Loaches have been known to lie on their sides like they are dead, but for them, it’s quite normal so don’t be too alarmed! It’s worth noting here that you shouldn’t try to remove them from the water if you see them like that thinking they’re gone as they will likely jump as you attempt to do so!Ĭlown Loaches establish a firm hierarchy within the shoal, and they also exhibit shadowing behaviors. They can display some bizarre behaviors to watch out for, though. Much better to have a group of them so they will feel more secure with a shoal of their own kind which will keep them peaceful and easy to raise.īecause they are so naturally peaceful when kept with appropriate loach company they should be kept alongside other peaceful fish or they will become stressed. If you keep one solo in a tank with other types of fish, it can display signs of aggression if it feels threatened.

finding nemo fish tank setup

#Finding nemo fish tank setup free

It’s important to keep them in a shoal of at least five but preferably more to keep them free from stress and to allow them to behave as naturally as they would in the wild. Clown Loach BehaviorĬlown Loaches like to live with others of their kind and are generally peaceful in nature able to get along with suitable tank mates.Ī highly social fish, they like nothing better than to chase each other around the tank, and for that reason, they need room to play which means a large tank size. Let’s dive in to see why so many people choose to ‘Clown’ around with their tank communities. Two types of populations exist in the wild rivers of Borneo and Sumatra. They can sometimes be known in the trade as a Tiger Botia, but whichever way you come across them, you will remember them.Ī colorful schooling fish that is from the tropical freshwaters of Indonesia, these distinctive fish will brighten up any tank and are a firm favorite in the hobby.

finding nemo fish tank setup

If you hear the name Clown and it’s referring to a fish, chances are you’re having visions of Finding Nemo.īut we’re here to discuss all about the Clown Loach (Chromobotia macracantha), which is perhaps less well-known outside of the aquarist hobby.

Finding nemo fish tank setup